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Street guide: Authentic Vesterbro vibes in Istedgade
Foto: Astrid Maria Rasmussen
The Vesterbro area’s main street, Istedgade, exudes diversity. Here you’ll find some of the city’s best boutiques, restaurants and bars.
Ein Treffpunkt, in dem Bio-Pizza und Bio-Cocktails serviert werden, bei fantastischer Musik und an Tischen, die dafür sorgen, dass man garantiert in Kontakt mit seinen Nachbarn kommt.
Wir finden es t...
Located on the Vesterbro street Istedgade, Sanchez offers delicious Mexican food best on the very best of Danish and Mexican ingredients.
The restaurant is modelled after a traditional Mexican cant...
Originally, the pub was called Mc. Cloud after the American TV series where the police officer Sam Mc. Cloud solves crime in true Western style in the streets of New York. But to avoid legal proceedin...