Top 10 things to do in Refshaleøen

Foto: Anders Sune Berg

One of Copenhagen’s most spectacular contemporary art spaces and a wide range of action-packed activities are some of the things you experience.

There are many different things to add to your Refshaleøen visit. Cultural, fun and some that’ll probably be a first. Get some ideas to squeeze in between all the yummi places to go eating and drinking and soaking up the vibes in this unique part of the city.

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Copenhagen Distillery
Foto: Mellanie Gandø

Copenhagen Distillery

Award-winning distillery in a warehouse close to Refshaleøen in Copenhagen.

Close to Christiania you will find the experimenting distillery run by a group of distillery nerds specialized in making ha...

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Foto: Copenhot


Enjoy a Nordic spa and sauna experience on Refshaleøen

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Copenhagen Contemporary
Foto: Florian Holzherr

Copenhagen Contemporary

Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) präsentiert in der B&W-Schweißhalle in Refshaleøen, Kopenhagen, Installationskunst von weltweit bekannten Künstlern und aufstrebenden Nachwuchstalenten. 

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Foto: Daniel Rasmussen


Ein futuristischer, ungewöhnlicher Ski- und Freizeithügel auf dem Dach einer neuen Müllverbrennungsanlage.

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Empirical - Destilleri på Refshaleøen
Foto: Daniel Rasmussen

Empirical - Destilleri på Refshaleøen

Empirical er et destilleri beliggende på Refshaleøen i København. Her kan du deltage i guidede ture på destilleriet og få indblik i den spændende produktion, og tage dine smagssanser med på en kulinar...

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EUROPA: Physical teater on Refshaleøen
Foto: Søren Meisner

EUROPA: Physical teater on Refshaleøen

Discover physical theater in a huge tent on Refshaleøen

Mute Comp. Physical Theatre has opened Copenhagen’s new theater stage EUROPA in a huge Chipperfield circus tent located on Refshaleøen. Here, y...

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Urban Ranger Camp
Foto: PR photo
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Die blau-gelben Hafenbusse sind ein fantastisches Transportmittel und eine preiswerte Alternative zu den offiziellen Rundfahrten.

Für den Preis einer normalen Busfahrkarte gelangen Sie von der Königlic...

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Copenhagen Cable Park
Foto: PR photo
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Bungyjump Copenhagen
Foto: PR photo